EDITOR Mary Johnson
Anne Finger
DESIGN/PRODUCTION Cliffwood Organic Studio
- Vol 20, No. 3
- May/June 1999
ISSN: 0749-9596 Published bimonthly by The Advocado Press
PO Box 145 Louisville, KY 40201. Copyright 1999 by The Advocado Press. Reproduction
without permission of any material herein is strictly prohibited. Rate for
individual subscriptions: $17.50/year organizational rate, $17.50 international
rate, $42 To subscribe, send check in U.S. funds to PO Box 145 Louisville,
KY 40201
- Published by
- The Advocado Press
- Selections from our May/June 1999 issue
- appearing June 16-30
- Reading
- Sally Rosenthal tells of two Canadian accounts of disability
- Viewing
- Video for the people
- A Volunteer Ticketing Program
- By Carol Cleigh
- Playing Cards at Children's Hospital
- I came so breathtakingly close to surviving childhood intact
- By Lisa Blumberg
- Our Supremely Defining Moment
- Cases before the Supreme Court will define disability
- By Mary Johnson
- Spin cycle
- editorial by Mary Johnson
- Views of Ourselves
- The Quiet Revolution of an activist
- By Tom Connors
- Mixed up
- Poem by Nena Beckley
- The Media Edge
- Mary Johnson tells how to write opinion articles that editors will actually use
- Update: The Sandusky Register finally 'gets it'
- The Meaning of 'Murderer'
- Cal Montgomery analyzes the Kevorkian conviction
- Dr. Death on Trial in Philadelphia
- By Jimmi Shrode
- Self-execution for witches
- Mary Krane Derr on feminists and Kevorkian
PLUS . . .
- Mail
- D.R. Nation
- What
- Coming the week of July 1:
- The July/August Ragged Edge!
- Don't want to wait? Subscribe! Here's how