July/August 1998
EDITOR Mary Johnson
Anne Finger
DESIGN/PRODUCTION Cliffwood Organic Studio
- Vol 19, No. 4
- July/August, 1998
ISSN: 0749-9596 Published bimonthly by The Advocado Press
PO Box 145 Louisville, KY 40201. Copyright 1998 by The Advocado Press. Reproduction
without permission of any material herein is strictly prohibited. Rate for
individual subscriptions: $17.50/year organizational rate, $17.50 international
rate, $42 To subscribe, send check in U.S. funds to PO Box 145 Louisville,
KY 40201
- Published by
- The Advocado Press
- Current selections from our July/August 1998 issue
- Coming the week of September 7
- The September/October Ragged Edge!
- A Billion
of Us by 2000
- The number of people with disabilities is increasing
- by Art Blaser
- Forward --
and backward
- Reading disability rights in postage stamps
- by Ken Stein
- Editorial:Basic
Attitudes Have Really Not Changed
- D.R. Nation
- Plus:
- Mail
- Cover story:
- The Bad Baby Blues:
- Reproductive Technology and the threat to diversity
- By Lisa Blumberg
- Satyagraha
& Disability Rights:
- An activist visits Gandhi's India
- by Zan Thornton
- Three new
movement books
- Review by Sally Rosenthal
- That Old
Laundry List
- Greg Smith gets Chris Reeve On A Roll:
- Superman talks with the Disability Nation
- News Bites Gimps
- Beyond Sticks and Stones:
- How a nickname could cost Smith Food &
- Drug, Inc. $10 million
- by Carolyn Campbell
- Verbatim: Chris Reeve and Barbara Walters
- Excerpts from the 20/20 interview
- Suppose Chris Reeve were Barney Frank?
- A Summer Exercise
- Coming the week of September 7
- The September/October Ragged Edge!
- Don't want to wait? Subscribe! Here's how