EDITOR Mary Johnson
Anne Finger
DESIGN/PRODUCTION Cliffwood Organic Studio
- Vol 19, No. 5
- September/October, 1998
ISSN: 0749-9596 Published bimonthly by The Advocado Press
PO Box 145 Louisville, KY 40201. Copyright 1998 by The Advocado Press. Reproduction
without permission of any material herein is strictly prohibited. Rate for
individual subscriptions: $17.50/year organizational rate, $17.50 international
rate, $42 To subscribe, send check in U.S. funds to PO Box 145 Louisville,
KY 40201
- Published by
- The Advocado Press
- Selections from our September/October 1998 issue
- appearing October 25-31
- An unflinching look at an activist
- Movie review by Anne Finger.
- "Wake up!"
- Another view by Lucy Gwin.
- Two Poems
- House Guest (For Nonnie), by Frances Downing Hunter.
- Punctuating a Promenade, by Jennifer Sanders.
- Editorial: 'Changing the culture' ourselves
- Plus:
- D. R. Nation
- Mail
- The Department of Justice and Us:
- Prisons. Cars. Zoos. DOJ just doesn't seem to get it.
- By Ed and Toni Eames.
- Zoos continue to deny access to people with service
animals. Here's why.
- By Ed and Toni Eames.
- Some Reflections on the ADA.
- Steven E. Brown used to think the ADA was great. Now he's not so
- Pro Se? Nothing to it!
- Don't wat for the DOJ to move.
- Here's how to do it on your own.
- Read about a pro-se victory
- Empowering Service Delivery
- By Bob Kafka.
- Two Poems by Patricia Ranzoni
- Coming the week of Nov 1:
- The November/December Ragged Edge!
- Don't want to wait? Subscribe! Here's how