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May 30, 2006

Please join the new forum at www.nstraid.com

Please join the new forum at www.nstraid.com

An assistive technology information and referral Center.

Posted by Elizabeth Treston

Posted by mjohnson at 03:23 PM

May 23, 2006

CMS Trying to Change the Rules for the Nursing Home Waiver!


New York State has prepared an application for the Nursing Home Diversion Waiver Program. This program, based upon funding structure and regulations of other community based waiver program, allows a livable monthly income for spouses of individuals receiving community-based waiver services. Now, the Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) want to change the rules, which would force people to choose between a sub-poverty standard of living, or placing their spouse in a nursing home! We need to send a message to the Directors of CMS not to change the rules!


1. Follow this hyperlink to CDR's website http://capwiz.com/rochestercdr/issues/alert/?alertid=8788736&type=CU&azip=14609&bzip=4115&show_alert=1

2. Go to Nursing Home Waiver in Jeopardy. Press the Take Action button.

3. Type your name and address in the blank boxes.

4. Send this message to a friend!

It is VERY IMPORTANT that the disability and senior communities, and those who care about seniors and people with disabilities take action on this critical issue!

Posted by Arlene Wilson

Posted by mjohnson at 02:16 PM

May 22, 2006

Disability Advocates, Former Manhattan BP and NYC Elected Officials to Speak Out Against Mayor's Taxi Plan

May 22nd, 2006
For Immediate Release

Michael A. Harris
Disabled Riders Coalition
Telephone: 914-490-0518
E-mail: mediacontact@disabledriders.org
Web: www.disabledriders.org

(CITY HALL - NEW YORK , NY) MAY 24th, 2006 - Members of the Disabled Riders Coalition and the Taxis For All Campaign will be joined by prominent New York City elected officials in speaking out in support of INTRO 2006-339. The bill would require that half of the 308 medallions to be auctioned off by the Taxi and Limousine Commission next month to be restricted to accessible vehicles.

Currently only 27 out of nearly 13,000 yellow cabs are accessible to persons with disabilities. The bill, if signed into law would increase the number of accessible cabs to 181 by the end of the summer.

Both New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and TLC Chairman Matthew Daus last week indicated their opposition to the bill, preferring instead to have 254 alternative fuel vehicles and only 54 accessible vehicles. Advocates say that is simply unacceptable.

City Council Transportation Chairman John Liu, Environmental Protection Committee Chairman James Gennaro, Disability Services Committee Chairman G. Oliver Koppell and former Manhattan Borough President C. Virginia Fields will be among those joining the advocates. Council Speaker Christine Quinn has said that she will tentatively participate as well.

The advocates are also expected to announce the passage of INTRO 339 by the Council's Transportation Committee, which will vote on the bill immediately prior to Wednesday's news conference. A vote by the full Council could come as early as Wednesday afternoon.



WHEN: MAY 24th, 2006 @ 12 NOON


The Disabled Riders Coalition is a non-partisan coalition of individuals and disability rights organizations dedicated to promoting greater accessible public transportation throughout the New York Metropolitan area. We are the only disability rights organization in the tri-state area focused solely on the issue of public transportation.

For more information please visit www.disabledriders.org

Posted by mjohnson at 06:04 PM

May 18, 2006

Access Denied? - Missoula Independent Article

Access denied?
by Paul Peters

Photo by Paul Peters

Kim Barreda at the top of a flight of 17 stairs that lead down to Ptarmigan Village’s outdoor pool. Barreda is suing her homeowners association for access to common areas in her neighborhood.

An "uppity cripple" fights Ptarmigan Village

Kimberly Barreda pulls herself and her wheelchair into her Ford Explorer and climbs into the driver’s seat with ease. With one hand on a handle controlling the brake and gas and another on the steering wheel, she executes a tight three-point turn and starts down the hill toward the tennis courts at Ptarmigan Village, the neighborhood about halfway up Big Mountain where she lives.

The whole article is at:


Posted by Kimberley

Posted by mjohnson at 02:56 PM

May 16, 2006

Police Week Is Coming To Remember The Fallen? How About The Living?

May 15th, 2006
Op/Ed National Columnist
By: Officer Thomas A. Porter D.P.O. MED. RET.
We have spent billions of dollars in America on our fellow Fallen Law Enforcement Officers. We have built buildings to remember our Fallen Officers. We have built Memorials around the country. Money has poured in through the years at alarming rates to let us never forget our Fallen Brother's and Sister's who gave of their life from 'In The Line of Duty'. On 9/11 we lost many Law Enforcement Officers, Firefighters and EMT's. Since 9/11 many have died from exposure to the toxic elements they were exposed to as our Government was telling us the air was safe. Anyone with common sense would know there were toxic chemicals in the air from 9/11 and the death toll continues daily. As sad as it is for the thousands and thousands who have given of their life from 'In The Line of Duty', one must remember, all the money in the world is not going to bring them back from the dead.

While we have over 1 Million Permanently Paralyzed and Disabled Law Enforcement Officers in America living in 'Poverty', we are the one's who continue to suffer daily 1440 minutes of every 24 hour day. We have been thrown out with the bath water and forgotten. There are those who care. Then we can count them on one hand or maybe two hands if we are blessed. We have the National Paralyzed and Disabled Police Officers Fund which does a lot of outreach as the Disabled Police Officers of America Fund also provides help.

In New York City now they had gotten up to 1 Billion Dollars for the 9/11 Memorial. Thankfully it was cut back to 1/2 Billion Dollars. By the time they get it built and completed it will surely go over cost and most likely cost more than 1 Billion Dollars. You know what happens when a New York contractor gets a contract? We will see the cost over runs become more than the cost that was granted to the firm to build anything.

Lets focus on maybe just a 'Memorial Wall' for the Fallen. Like the 'Wall' we have for the 'Viet Nam Memorial Wall', with the names of those who died on 9/11. Lets take the rest of the money saved and give to the 'Living Permanently Paralyzed and Disabled Law Enforcement Officers' who suffer daily the rest of one's life. We may not be seen out in public other than to go to the doctors or hospital and then back to our homes. We may have once been thought about by our fellow Officers we have served with, then do any of them remember us anymore? I hear from all over the country from fellow Permanently Paralyzed and Disabled Law Enforcement Brother's and Sister's. They all feel they are alone. No one cares or wants to do anything for them. What ever is done by the National Paralyzed and Disabled Police Officers Fund or the Disabled Police Officers of America Fund, it can not even begin to take care of all the needs we all have in our journey. It surely can make or break a time in our journey when a real issue of need comes up. It provides for the children also of Fallen and Living Law Enforcement Officers. Still there needs to be more provided in our society for those of us who can no longer provide as we once did, when we were, 'Active Duty Law Enforcement Officers who Served and Protected with Honor'. I agree with Officer Alan J. Odze from New York in his supporting comments. "We have a real crisis in America and one that is not being addressed in our society."

The 'Public Safety Officers Benefits' (PSOB) program through the U.S. Justice Department is a joke. It does nothing to provide the funds for the 'Permanently Paralyzed and Disabled Law Enforcement Officers' it was set up by the U.S. Congress to do. It has failed in only providing jobs for the staff who work in that division of the U.S. Justice Department.

As the 1% Rich in our Society of America get more 'Rich', the 99% of Society are getting more poor. Those who trained and got Criminal Justice Degree's and went to Academy with advance training in one of the 21 Law Enforcement Agencies in America, we have failed them as a Society 100%. When you call your 911 for Law Enforcement you expect someone to show up who is a trained professional to assist you and your family in what ever situation that is happening. How do you feel when one of those Officers from answering the call is 'Hit In The Line of Duty' and left Permanently Paralyzed and Disabled for Life? Do you care as an American Citizen what happens to us? Do you call your Congressperson and U.S. Senator and ask what is being done for us? Do you call your State, County and Local Governments to find out what is being done for us?

With 1.9 Million Law Enforcement Officers in America to Protect and Serve 24/7, it would appear we have become a society that only cares when we show up to take care of what ever crime may be happening at the time. You trust us with your life to save you from what ever needs to be done, so you can go back to sleep in safety. You return to your job knowing the Law has appeared and charged a person with what ever crime they have committed. The fact remains, after the fact your concern leaves after that time and little if nothing is thought about us again after the fact. You might have to go to court and deal with lawyers and the person or persons who committed the crimes against you. You may get a Judge or Jury who give you justice of some kind. Then you may not get any justice from the back room deals made before it ever goes to court. So at that point you are mad at the Justice System. Whey did you ever go the extra step to make sure the person who committed the crimes against you gets the justice they should get from our court system? If you have enough hope in the system you feel it is the right thing to do. You just do not always realize our Justice System and Court System is not perfect. Nor are the politics that come into play. Just look at Vice President Dick Cheney who shot a 'Lawyer Friend' in the face. It was the 'Lawyer Friend' who said he was sorry to Vice President Dick Cheney for shooting him in the face. Does it get any more oxymoron time in our society? Just when you thought you had heard everything.

After years and years of 'Memorial Police Week' each year, on May 15th, we remember our 'Fallen Officers', I continue to never forget the Living. Those of us who are laying in our beds for life. Those of us who live with Chronic Pain for life. Those of us who live with many 'Chronic Illnesses' for life. Years of medical care that never stops as long as we are alive. Grocery shopping on food of $100 dollars a month to buy all the food we are to eat? Living in poverty having to rob from Paul to pay Peter each month. Many Law Enforcement Officers will just give up and die. Many Officers who never hear from another fellow officer ever again in their life, because we are out of the loop. Out of sight and out of mind is standard procedure for the living officer.

If we want to have a real Police Week in America each year, lets have a real one for the 'Living'. We will never forget those who gave of their life from, 'In The Line of Duty'. We surely can do nothing to bring them back. We 'Honor' their 'Service'. Those who knew them and loved them will always remember them. In 100 years from now who will know who any of them were who have passed away? So while those of us who are living with Permanent Catastrophic Injuries, left Paralyzed and Disabled for Life, we are the ones who need the funds and medical care to maintain our lives. We are still alive, we have not gone away, we are just out of sight.

So many of the Florists will have lost business from the flowers ordered for our 'Fallen Officers' year after year. They surely do not have lost business for the funerals of a 'Fallen Officer'. The gasoline that is used to go to yearly 'Memorial' functions in America can be redirected. That gasoline could be used by a 'Living Permanently Paralyzed and Disabled Law Enforcement Officer' who needs to go to the doctors or hospital for test or treatments or weekly physically therapy. We have Rent and Mortgages to pay. We have electric and fuel for heating and lights and medical equipment to run in our homes. We need food to buy.

Nothing is more moving in a picture than to see a 'Candle Light Vigil' during Police Week, as a photo op for the newspapers and organizations to promote more maintaining Memorial locations in the country. The National Chiefs of Police Association has a National Memorial Wall in Florida for over 41 years. We have the much newer National Memorial Wall in Washington D.C., that not only cost a fortune but now has had to raise millions of dollars to build a 'Gift Shop and Museum' for our 'Fallen Officers'. They do nothing in Washington D.C. for the Living Officers who need help. Does anyone see what is missing in this picture? If you do not, then you are not living in our life journey of the over 1 Million Permanently Paralyzed and Disabled Law Enforcement Officers who you never see. If you do see a person in a wheel chair you might only think they are just another disabled person.

Wake Up America because the next time you call 911 for help at anytime, 24/7 you may find out the help you need is not coming in time. You might find out due to cut backs in funding there are not enough Law Enforcement Officers to respond to every call. You might discover 10% of all National Guard serving in the Mid-East War are Law Enforcement Officers. You might find out that Officer responding might become 'Permanently Paralyzed and Disabled responding to your call for help and think we will then be taken care of for life. I will let you in on a secret, we are not taken care of for life. We live on the poverty scale. What we once had we have lost. What we were before is not who we are anymore. In my case as for so many fellow officers I say, "from the neck up it is still my body, from the neck down I do not know who's body I have."

I sincerely hope the tides will turn and the sooner the better. That we will stop from being a country in America that pays Billions of dollars for the 'Fallen Officers' and take that money and give it to the 'Living Officers' who are living with Permanently Paralyzed and Disabled bodies from Catastrophic Injuries for the rest of our lives. We are still a person who has a soul. Even though we are not the person we were before due to so many medical issues to deal with every 1440 minutes of everyday, we still should be cared about and provided for.

I have been to the Wall in Washington D.C. many times in years past for the Viet Nam Fallen Veterans. I have a friend on that wall. I take my hand and rub my fingers across his name and flash backs of our friendship and growing up hit me like it was yesterday he was telling me, "Tom tomorrow I leave for Army Boot Camp." Six weeks after Army Boot Camp and a few days on leave back home and a night out he was gone to Viet Nam. Eight weeks later he was coming home and I was attending his funeral. His life had value. It still has value and I never forget him. There will never be anything I can do to bring Jerry back. He gave his life. He has been in the next part of the journey for many years now. We are in this part of our journey now and very much alive. Maybe not what many would think is a life but that is their problem if others do not think our lives have value for living.

I hope next year we can change the focus of so much honoring our 'Fallen Officers' and have a Police Week that Honors the Living and provide the Funds needed for our survival. "Keep Hope Alive"? I would like to see thousands and thousands march down Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington D.C. in their Wheel Chairs, Walkers and their Beds being pushed on rollers down the Avenue. There are plenty of officers living in the D.C. region and surrounding states to make this happen without having 1 Million plus Permanently Paralyzed and Disabled Law Enforcement Officers having to attend. So many of us can not attend due to our medical condition we live with, would not allow such attendance possible. I am sure there are plenty living in the Washington D.C. region that can attend and their friends and family members. We surely need to wake up the Media in the country that have failed 100% from bringing our message and story to the front pages of the Newspapers. TV Stations surely can do stories about the living officers, for those who have had no voice to speak out about their needs, they have to just maintain the substandard of a life of poverty. The media would be putting a name with a face. If we are to be called the 'Richest Country' in the World, then "Show me the money" where these riches are to be found for the 'Living Permanently Paralyzed and Disabled Law Enforcement Officers. To only be asking to have the basics covered in this life time is not asking for more.

The next time you get a letter in the Postal Mail or an E-Mail to donate to an Organization for any 'Fallen Officers Fund', think twice about giving. There are 'Living Law Enforcement Officers' who need your help who need you to give to them. If you know of a Permanently Paralyzed and Disabled Law Enforcement Officer in the community where you live, then offer to help that Officer in what ever way you can. You would be amazed how rewarding it is to help in what ever way you can. Let us remember this May 15th for the Living Police Officers.


Posted by Alan J. Odze

Posted by mjohnson at 10:48 AM

May 15, 2006

Op/Ed For Publication

Written By: Officer Thomas A. Porter D.P.O. MED. RET.

'Police Week Is Coming To Remember The Fallen? How About The Living?'

We have spent billions of dollars in America on our fellow Fallen Law Enforcement Officers. We
have built buildings to remember our Fallen Officers. We have built Memorials around the
country. Money has poured in through the years at alarming rates to let us never forget our Fallen
Brother's and Sister's who gave of their life from 'In The Line of Duty'. On 9/11 we lost many Law
Enforcement Officers, Firefighters and EMT's. Since 9/11 many have died from exposure to the
toxic elements they were exposed to as our Government was telling us the air was safe. Anyone
with common sense would know there were toxic chemicals in the air from 9/11 and the
illnesses and death toll continues daily. As sad as it is for the thousands and thousands who have
given of their life from 'In The Line of Duty', one must remember, all the money in the world is
not going to bring them back from the dead.

While we have over 1 Million Permanently Paralyzed and Disabled Law Enforcement Officers in
America living in 'Poverty', we are the one's who continue to suffer daily 1440 minutes of every
24 hour day. We have been thrown out with the bath water and forgotten. There are those who
care. Then we can count them on one hand or maybe two hands if we are blessed. We have the
National Paralyzed and Disabled Police Officers Fund which does a lot of outreach as the
Disabled Police Officers of America Fund also provides help.

In New York City now they had gotten up to 1 Billion Dollars for the 9/11 Memorial. Thankfully it
was cut back to 1/2 Billion Dollars. By the time they get it built and completed it will surely go
over cost and most likely cost more than 1 Billion Dollars. You know what happens when a New
York contractor gets a contract? We will see the cost over runs become more than the cost that
was granted to the firm to build anything.

Lets focus on maybe just a 'Memorial Wall' for the Fallen. Like the 'Wall' we have for the 'Viet
Nam Memorial Wall', with the names of those who died on 9/11. Lets take the rest of the money
saved and give to the 'Living Permanently Paralyzed and Disabled Law Enforcement Officers' who
suffer daily the rest of one's life. We may not be seen out in public other than to go to the
doctors or hospital and then back to our homes. We may have once been thought about by our
fellow Officers we have served with, then do any of them remember us anymore? I hear from all
over the country from fellow Permanently Paralyzed and Disabled Law Enforcement Brother's and
Sister's. They all feel they are alone. No one cares or wants to do anything for them. What ever is
done by the National Paralyzed and Disabled Police Officers Fund or the Disabled Police Officers
of America Fund, it can not even begin to take care of all the needs we all have in our journey. It
surely can make or break a time in our journey when a real issue of need comes up. It provides
for the children also of Fallen and Living Law Enforcement Officers. Still there needs to be more
provided in our society for those of us who can no longer provide as we once did, when we were,
'Active Duty Law Enforcement Officers who Served and Protected with Honor'. I agree with
Officer Alan J. Odze from New York in his supporting comments. "We have a real crisis in
America and one that is not being addressed in our society."

The 'Public Safety Officers Benefits' (PSOB) program through the U.S. Justice Department is a
joke. It does nothing to provide the funds for the 'Permanently Paralyzed and Disabled Law
Enforcement Officers' it was set up by the U.S. Congress to do. It has failed in only providing jobs
for the staff who work in that division of the U.S. Justice Department.

As the 1% Rich in our Society of America get more 'Rich', the 99% of Society are getting more
poor. Those who trained and got Criminal Justice Degree's and went to Academy with advance
training in one of the 21 Law Enforcement Agencies in America, we have failed them as a Society
100%. When you call your 911 for Law Enforcement you expect someone to show up who is a
trained professional to assist you and your family in what ever situation that is happening. How
do you feel when one of those Officers from answering the call is 'Hit In The Line of Duty' and
left Permanently Paralyzed and Disabled for Life? Do you care as an American Citizen what
happens to us? Do you call your Congressperson and U.S. Senator and ask what is being done for
us? Do you call your State, County and Local Governments to find out what is being done for us?

With 1.9 Million Law Enforcement Officers in America to Protect and Serve 24/7, it would
appear we have become a society that only cares when we show up to take care of what ever
crime may be happening at the time. You trust us with your life to save you from what ever needs
to be done, so you can go back to sleep in safety. You return to your job knowing the Law has
appeared and charged a person with what ever crime they have committed. The fact remains,
after the fact your concern leaves after that time and little if nothing is thought about us again
after the fact. You might have to go to court and deal with lawyers and the person or persons who
committed the crimes against you. You may get a Judge or Jury who give you justice of some
kind. Then you may not get any justice from the back room deals made before it ever goes to
court. So at that point you are mad at the Justice System. Whey did you ever go the extra step to
make sure the person who committed the crimes against you gets the justice they should get
from our court system? If you have enough hope in the system you feel it is the right thing to do.
You just do not always realize our Justice System and Court System is not perfect. Nor are the
politics that come into play. Just look at Vice President Dick Cheney who shot a 'Lawyer Friend'
in the face. It was the 'Lawyer Friend' who said he was sorry to Vice President Dick Cheney for
shooting him in the face. Does it get any more oxymoron time in our society? Just when you
thought you had heard everything.

After years and years of 'Memorial Police Week' each year, on May 15th, we remember our 'Fallen
Officers', I continue to never forget the Living. Those of us who are laying in our beds for life.
Those of us who live with Chronic Pain for life. Those of us who live with many 'Chronic
Illnesses' for life. Years of medical care that never stops as long as we are alive. Grocery
shopping on food of $100 dollars a month to buy all the food we are to eat? Living in poverty
having to rob from Paul to pay Peter each month. Many Law Enforcement Officers will just give
up and die. Many Officers who never hear from another fellow officer ever again in their life,
because we are out of the loop. Out of sight and out of mind is standard procedure for the living

If we want to have a real Police Week in America each year, lets have a real one for the 'Living'.
We will never forget those who gave of their life from, 'In The Line of Duty'. We surely can do
nothing to bring them back. We 'Honor' their 'Service'. Those who knew them and loved them will
always remember them. In 100 years from now who will know who any of them were who have
passed away? So while those of us who are living with Permanent Catastrophic Injuries, left
Paralyzed and Disabled for Life, we are the ones who need the funds and medical care to maintain
our lives. We are still alive, we have not gone away, we are just out of sight.

So many of the Florists will have lost business from the flowers ordered for our 'Fallen
Officers' year after year. They surely do not have lost business for the funerals of a 'Fallen
Officer'. The gasoline that is used to go to yearly 'Memorial' functions in America can be
redirected. That gasoline could be used by a 'Living Permanently Paralyzed and Disabled Law
Enforcement Officer' who needs to go to the doctors or hospital for test or treatments or weekly
physically therapy. We have Rent and Mortgages to pay. We have electric and fuel for heating and
lights and medical equipment to run in our homes. We need food to eat.

Nothing is more moving in a picture than to see a 'Candle Light Vigil' during Police Week, as a
photo op for the newspapers and organizations to promote more maintaining Memorial locations
in the country. The National Chiefs of Police Association has a National Memorial Wall in Florida
for over 41 years. We have the much newer National Memorial Wall in Washington D.C., that not
only cost a fortune but now has had to raise millions of dollars to build a 'Gift Shop and Museum'
for our 'Fallen Officers'. They do nothing in Washington D.C. for the Living Officers who need help.
Does anyone see what is missing in this picture? If you do not, then you are not living in our life
journey of the over 1 Million Permanently Paralyzed and Disabled Law Enforcement Officers who
you never see. If you do see a person in a wheel chair you might only think they are just another
disabled person.

Wake Up America because the next time you call 911 for help at anytime, 24/7 you may find out
the help you need is not coming in time. You might find out due to cut backs in funding there are
not enough Law Enforcement Officers to respond to every call. You might discover 10% of all
National Guard serving in the Mid-East War are Law Enforcement Officers. You might find out
that Officer responding might become 'Permanently Paralyzed and Disabled responding to your
call for help and think we will then be taken care of for life. I will let you in on a secret, we are
not taken care of for life. We live on the poverty scale. What we once had we have lost. What we
were before is not who we are anymore. In my case as for so many fellow officers I say, "from
the neck up it is still my body, from the neck down I do not know who's body I have."

I sincerely hope the tides will turn and the sooner the better. That we will stop from being a
country in America that pays Billions of dollars for the 'Fallen Officers' and take that money and
give it to the 'Living Officers' who are living with Permanently Paralyzed and Disabled bodies
from Catastrophic Injuries for the rest of our lives. We are still a person who has a soul. Even
though we are not the person we were before due to so many medical issues to deal with every
1440 minutes of everyday, we still should be cared about and provided for.

I have been to the Wall in Washington D.C. many times in years past for the Viet Nam Fallen
Veterans. I have a friend on that wall. I take my hand and rub my fingers across his name and
flash backs of our friendship and growing up hit me like it was yesterday he was telling me,
"Tom tomorrow I leave for Army Boot Camp." Six weeks after Army Boot Camp and a few days on
leave back home and a night out he was gone to Viet Nam. Eight weeks later he was coming home
and I was attending his funeral. His life had value. It still has value and I never forget him. There
will never be anything I can do to bring Jerry back. He gave his life. He has been in the next part
of the journey for many years now. We are in this part of our journey now and very much alive.
Maybe not what many would think is a life but that is their problem if others do not think our
lives have value for living.

I hope next year we can change the focus of so much honoring our 'Fallen Officers' and have a
Police Week that Honors the Living and provide the Funds needed for our survival. "Keep Hope
Alive"? I would like to see thousands and thousands march down Pennsylvania Avenue in
Washington D.C. in their Wheel Chairs, Walkers and their Beds being pushed on rollers down the
Avenue. There are plenty of officers living in the D.C. region and surrounding states to make this
happen without having 1 Million plus Permanently Paralyzed and Disabled Law Enforcement
Officers having to attend. So many of us can not attend due to our medical condition we live
with, would not allow such attendance possible. I am sure there are plenty living in the
Washington D.C. region that can attend and their friends and family members. We surely need to
wake up the Media in the country that have failed 100% from bringing our message and story to
the front pages of the Newspapers. TV Stations surely can do stories about the living officers,
for those who have had no voice to speak out about their needs, they have to just maintain the
substandard of a life of poverty. The media would be putting a name with a face. If we are to be
called the 'Richest Country' in the World, then "Show me the money" where these riches are to be
found for the 'Living Permanently Paralyzed and Disabled Law Enforcement Officers. To only be
asking to have the basics covered in this life time is not asking for more.

The next time you get a letter in the Postal Mail or an E-Mail to donate to an Organization for any
'Fallen Officers Fund', think twice about giving. There are 'Living Law Enforcement Officers' who
need your help who need you to give to them. If you know of a Permanently Paralyzed and
Disabled Law Enforcement Officer in the community where you live, then offer to help that
Officer in what ever way you can. You would be amazed how rewarding it is to help in what ever
way you can. Let us remember this May 15th the Living Police Officers.


Submitted by Alan J. Odze

Posted by Alan J. Odze.

Posted by mjohnson at 01:39 PM

If You Use A Wheelchair or Scooter and Shopped At Kmart, You Could Get A Payment From A Class Action Settlement.

Date: Mon, 15 May 2006 11:05:10 -0400
From: Justice For All Moderator
Subject: KMART Class Action Settlement
Sender: owner-justice@jfanow.org
To: justice@jfanow.org
Mail-followup-to: justice@jfanow.org
Organization: Justice For All E-Mail Network
Organization: Justice For All Email Network
X_Mailing_List_Server: Majordomo 1.94.5
X-No-Spam-Check: metrocil.mwcil.org []
List-Id: Justice-For-All Mailing List

Legal Notice

If You Use A Wheelchair or Scooter and Shopped At Kmart, You
Could Get A Payment From A Class Action Settlement.

You are included in this lawsuit if you use a wheelchair or
scooter and shopped at Kmart, will shop at Kmart, or would have
shopped at Kmart but for access problems, between May 6, 2003
and the end of the settlement term (approximately 2014) ("Class
Members"). If you shopped at Kmart in California,
Colorado, Hawaii, Massachusetts, New York, Oregon or Texas
("Damages States") between May 6, 2003 and now, you may be
eligible for monetary recovery.

The lawsuit sought to make Kmart alter its stores with respect
to access for people who use wheelchairs or scooters and
damages in an amount specified by statute ("statutory minimum
damages") for people who shopped or shop at Kmart in
Damages States ("Damages Sub-Class Members"). Kmart denied
liability. The Court did not decide which side was right. Under
the settlement, Kmart will make alterations to its stores and
pay $13 million ($8 million in cash and $5 million in gift
cards). Qualifying Damages Sub-Class Members can obtain
monetary recovery.

The detailed notice package contains everything you need to
make a claim. Call the number below or visit the website below
to get one. To qualify for a payment, you must submit a claim
by August 16, 2006.

If you are a Damages Sub-Class Member and don't want to be
bound by the settlement's monetary provisions, you must exclude
yourself by July 7, 2006. If you exclude yourself, you can't
get money from this settlement. If you don't exclude yourself,
you will release all claims for statutory minimum damages
relating to accessibility of Kmart stores in Damages States for
people who use wheelchairs or scooters for the period from May
6, 2003 through the end of the settlement term (approximately
2014). Class Members can't exclude themselves from the non-
monetary parts of the settlement and will release non-monetary
claims against Kmart relating to store access through the end
of the settlement term. If you wish to object to the
settlement, you must do so by July 7, 2006. The detailed notice
explains how to exclude yourself or object.

The U.S. District Court in Denver, Colorado will hold a hearing
before Judge John L. Kane on July 27, 2006 at 10 a.m. to
consider whether to approve the settlement and a request for
attorneys' fees by lawyers representing the class. The detailed
notice explains how you or your attorney can participate in
that hearing.

The Number Below or Visit The Website Below For The Full

888-366-5352 or 888-252-4449 (TTY)

Posted by JoAnn P.

Posted by mjohnson at 01:02 PM

May 11, 2006

Life is Full Magazine seeks readers!

Life is Full Magazine seeks readers! Come on over and check it out!

Posted by L.

Posted by mjohnson at 11:17 AM

May 06, 2006

A Shocking Story

please click or copy and paste the link below to read a shocking story about how our scottish goverment is treating someone that is dying of huntingtons disease
www.ourgov.moonfruit.com thank you

>Posted by steven milton

Posted by mjohnson at 05:13 PM

May 01, 2006

The Rockland Journal News: Rights for disabled

The Rockland Journal News
Rights for disabled

(Original publication: April 29, 2006)

Within the past year I have become disabled. I am a former police officer who sustained a serious line-of-duty injury that has left me 100 percent permanently disabled.

Becoming part of the ranks of the disabled, I learned that I, along with millions of other disabled people, are subjected to serious discrimination. Something that I thought was corrected in 1990 after the passage of the Americans With Disabilities Act. I now know, and greatly appreciate, the meaning and efforts that were part of the civil rights movement of the 1950s-1960s during this country's sad time in history. I understand, as a disabled person, what Rosa Parks felt like sitting in the back of a bus because she was black, what Dr. Martin Luther King fought for and what millions of Americans of color experienced.

Disabled Americans are grossly discriminated in society just like people of color were. There are many federal, state and private organizations that take in millions of tax dollars or contributions which fail to help those of us they were created to help. When called upon to help, they cannot and most often do not come to the aid of the disabled.

Most of these organizations offer sympathy but no real relief. The federal and state government (attorney general) are very selective on what cases they investigate for a civil rights violation pertaining to a disabled person.

George Lane and Beverly Jones are two modern-day warriors for the disabled. Lane and Jones were disabled and could not access upper floors in Tennessee state courthouses. Lane, Jones and several others sued Tennessee in federal district court, alleging that by denying them public services based on their disabilities, Tennessee was in violation of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act. According to Title II, no person may be denied access to "services, programs or activities" on the basis of his disability. The act allows victims of discrimination to sue states for damages. This decision occurred in 2004, not 1964.

Sadly, despite this overwhelming victory for the disabled, state and local courts in New York continuously violate the Americans With Disabilities Act. Judges are one of the biggest violators of this act.

Police officers are held accountable for violating a person's civil or constitutional rights. We are sued, and more often than not lose our jobs. Some of us go to jail. When judges of the court outright violate the civil and constitutional rights of the people, they are immune from civil lawsuits. They may or may not be held accountable for their individual actions.

There is one other lesson I have learned, now being disabled: There are two classes of people who can access the court system in America. One is the rich and the other is the poor. Middle-class people are being denied access to the courts. It is the middle class that does not have the thousands of dollars to hire lawyers to represent them.

The laws in this country must change. Judges must be held accountable when they outright violate the civil rights of any American citizen. Only then will a judge render a true verdict. So long as judges know they can render a verdict without repercussions, they will continue to do so. Judges abuse their authority with immunity.

As one judge recently stated, "If you don't like it, appeal."

Posted by AJ Odze

Posted by mjohnson at 09:14 AM