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July 20, 2006

Nurses with disabilities work! An answer to the nursing shortage

Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, July 11, 2006— Donna Carol Maheady, winner of the AJN 2004 Book of the Year Award, did it again. Her new book, Leave No Nurse Behind: Nurses Working with disAbilities was published by iUniverse, Inc.

In the midst of a national nursing shortage, many trained nurses who can and want to work are being denied the opportunity. They are being pushed out of jobs and turned away from unfilled positions, all because they have disabilities.
Eleven nurses who defied disability tell their personal stories of courage and determination in the face of stigma and discrimination, proving that nurses with disabilities have the ability to successfully fill the jobs that so desperately need filling.
A car accident. A fall. A stroke. Depression. Disability can happen to anyone and at any time. By knowing the ins and outs of disability laws as they relate to those in the nursing profession and taking the measures outlined in this book, you can ensure that you will be prepared should disability ever happen to you.
This book serves as both as inspiration and as a practical guide for nurses living and working with disabilities and for students with disabilities pursuing careers in nursing. Nursing with a disability is a challenge, but with proper planning, the right knowledge and perseverance, it is not impossible. The nurses who share their stories here are living proof of that.
For hospital administrators, human resource personnel and nursing educators, this book demonstrates that shutting out nurses and nursing students with disabilities out of the profession only does the profession and the patients who need them a disservice.
Let’s try not to leave any nurse who can work and wants to work behind. The cost to society of underutilizing the hearts and minds of these professionals is staggering.

Dr. Donna Maheady is an adjunct Assistant Professor in the Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing at Florida Atlantic University. She is the founder of the nonprofit resource network, www.ExceptionalNurse.com, and author of Nursing Students with Disabilities Change the Course.

Leave No Nurse Behind: Nurses Working with disAbilities, ISBN 0-595-39649-6, is available for $14.95 at www.Amazon.com.

Donna Maheady, ARNP, EdD
(561) 627-9872

Posted by Donna Maheady

Posted by mjohnson at 07:48 AM

July 13, 2006

Justice Music Project Benefit CD Release Jams

Equip for Equality is proud to work with Goose Island in Wrigleyville to present the first Justice Music Project Benefit CD Release Party - this Friday, July 14, 9pm at 3535 N Clark Street in Chicago.

To help unveil the first JMP benefit CD, three bands selected for the Project plus one guest band will perform live this Friday at Goose Island in Wrigleyville. We hope you will attend this very special evening emcee'd by Equip for Equality's advocate extraordinaire, Kevin Irvine. Tickets are only $8 and all proceeds support Equip for Equality's disability rights advocacy services.

The acts: El Esqueleto, a hidden soon-to-be- discovered gem in the mines of Chicago's diverse folk community, is a singer/songwriter whose very first public performance was at EFE's 2006 Open House. His Dylanesque set of originals with some acoustic guitar/harmonica covers of such bands as Pink Floyd, is a study in edgy understatement. We are sure to see great things from this emerging young artist.
Annie Higgins - who is also a social worker assisting people with traumatic brain injuries - recorded her most recent solo album with Bjorn Thorsrud, producer of the Smashing Pumpkins. Annie - whose influences include Nina Simon, Joni Mitchell and Imogen Heap - will sing and perform on piano with cello accompaniment.

Ash in Pensacola is a hip, quirky chamber-pop quartet with a recently released debut album entitled "When We First Met." Kenneth Pritchard, on guitar, has been performing in groups since age fifteen; Seth Gruenwald, a classically trained cellist and composer, serves as both the bassist and string arranger; Matt Roan, a prolific rock drummer in the music community, joined the group after being recruited to fill in for a single performance; and Melinda (Mindi) Maneck, whose melodious voice enjoys perfect pitch, claims influences from Aretha Franklin to Kelly Clarkson.

The evening cranks up about ten notches with finale guest band Phistine Verona, formed in the Spring of 2001 when singer/guitarist, Ed Shafer, formerly of Foo, met ex-Room 19 drummer, Jim Nagrant. Next to join was Mike Greaney, former guitar player of the Dyslexic Apaches. The final piece was put into place when Duke Dice, formerly of St. Louis experimental noise rockers Ant Man Bee joined the band to share bass, keyboard, and guitar duties. Phistine Verona has since performed throughout the midwest and the east coast. Venues include: The Metro and The Double Door in Chicago, The High Dive and The Cowboy Monkey in Champaign, The Patio in Indianapolis, The Rhythm Room and The Hi Fi Club in Cleveland, and CBGB's, Arlene's Grocery, and The Continental in New York. Ranging in influences from punk to pop to new wave, Phistine Verona is simply, music to be heard.

For anyone unable to attend this Friday or for those who just want more JMP in their lives - one of Chicago's premiere indie music venues, Martyrs' , is hosting JMP's 2nd CD Release Concert on July 20th, featuring Helicopters, The Foster-Walker Complex, Stanley Ross, and Skybox. See our website at www.equipforequality.org/jmp for more details on this concert and on how to order the JMP Benefit CD online!

Posted by Lisa Di Lorenzo

Posted by mjohnson at 01:07 PM

July 10, 2006

Book for Cure

My husband and I have decided to publish my book ourselves. I'm tired of waiting for an answer. In order to figure out how many we need for the first run - I'd like to know how many of you will be interested in buying a copy?

I have written a book about my journey dealing with living with a SCI re-named "The Silent Minority-No More." As you also know this book was written to educate the AB community on what a SCI really means and the fact that a cure can and will be found with their help. It explains in detail what the different current cure options are really about and how they can help.

I have a wonderful endorsement written by Dr. Young that will be included in the book jacket. Portions of the proceeds from this book will also go to current viable clinical trials.

The book can be purchased by sending me an email letting me know you are interested in a copy. Also, please let your friends and family know and request they inform their friends and family. This book won't do us any good unless it is read.


Debbie Kelsoe

A chapter by chapter outline can be found on http://sci.rutgers.edu/ in the "BOOK" forum.

Posted by Debbie Kelsoe

Posted by mjohnson at 03:01 PM

July 07, 2006

ABILITY Panels Officially Launch


Media Contact
Cornelius Butler
Butler New Media, LLC
+1 229-246-7669

ABILITY Panels Officially Launch
Creates America’s First Nationwide Online Panels for People with Disabilities

Bainbridge, Georgia – July 3, 2006 – Butler New Media, a disability services firm announces the official launch of two new online panels for people with disabilities, their family members, and other stakeholders.

With the name ABILITY and the slogan “Be Heard” panelists will have the opportunity to participate in Mystery Shopping, Market Research, and a myriad of other specialized studies. The two panels that people can join are: The Mystery Shopping/Evaluation Panel and the Market Research Panel. Participants in the Mystery Shopping Panel will have the opportunity to participate in: Mystery Shopping, Product and Service Evaluations and Usability Testing. The Market Research Panel is used for Surveys, Opinion Polls, Focus Groups, and other specialized research.

The project is the vision of Butler New Media co-founder and person with a disability, Cornelius Butler. He is an alumnus of Georgia’s High School/High Tech Program and the first person in the nation to start a business after graduating from the program. He wanted to provide an easier way for corporations and other organizations to research the large and diverse disability market. He realized as a legally blind individual that people with disabilities have unique needs, wants, and desires that are currently not being addressed by mainstream market research. “I wanted to make it easier for organizations to get the viewpoints of real people with disabilities. I believe that this project will break new ground in building awareness about the disability community and market” said Butler.

One service that the team behind the panels is very excited about is the mystery shopping service. Using the ABILITY Mystery Shopping Panel companies can have people with disabilities sent to their locations posing as real customers in order to find out how their employees communicate with them. For example, a company can find out how people who use service animals are treated in their establishments. This critical data can be used to change employee attitudes and improve customer service. Butler New Media also plans to help with shopper’s transportation costs, a first in the mystery shopping industry.

With an estimated $220 billion of collective spending power, the disability community is a market that simply cannot be ignored by corporations.

All surveys conducted through the panels will be rigorously tested utilizing people with disabilities who use a variety of assistive technologies

For those interested in helping spread the word about this new project, a special “Help Us Grow” Section on the official website includes free flyers and online banners that can be easily downloaded.

The panels have been actively recruiting people with disabilities nationwide to participate in research projects. There is no charge to become a panelist.

“I am confident that our research will lead to more accessible products and services that will benefit people with and without disabilities. We will help companies to learn the real market preferences of this large segment.” says Butler.

More information can be found at the official website located at: http://www.abilitypanel.com

About Butler New Media:
Butler New Media is a full service disability consulting firm with locations in both Conyers and Bainbridge, Georgia U.S.A. The firm specializes in helping corporations and government agencies communicate with the disability community. Butler New Media has grown to include local, national, and international clients. Some of these clients include: Microsoft, Humana, U.S. Department of Labor, The Georgia Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities, and The Mitsubishi Electric America Foundation. The company is located online at: http://www.butlernewmedia.com

Posted by Cornelius Butler

Posted by mjohnson at 02:53 PM

July 05, 2006

Poet and essayist Stephen Kuusisto has a new disability blog

Poet and essayist Stephen Kuusisto has a new disability blog entitled "Planet of the Blind". You can visit the site at:


Posted by Stephen Kuusisto.

Posted by mjohnson at 11:29 PM