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The elephant in the living room

A story in a special "jobs" section of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution on Sunday reports findings of a "recent study" by the Bobby Dodd Institute in Atlanta:

nearly half of the 200 human resources representatives surveyed in metro Atlanta said, "Disabled persons cannot adequately perform required work duties."


Oooh, what patronizing language is "some students who have disabilities shy away from activities"--as if they're talking about blushing wallflowers, delicately avoiding situations too intense for their fragile little selves. All on their own, it seems--no hint of anybody discouraging them, warning them away with a blunt "NO" or "Forget it, kid." No fights in parent-teacher meetings over just such missed opportunities--the kids just "shy away." Can't be helped, you see.... Blech!


Amen, Mary.

Amen, Penny.

Now where did I put that elephant net . . . ?

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