Announcing the disThis Film Series: Disability Through a Whole New Lens
Showcasing quality narrative, shorts, documentary and feature films with disability themes beyond the tragic/heroic trap moviegoers have come to expect.
Poster Brat,
you rock!! I wish I could be there for this event. How does one procure I'm Spazticus??? I have to see it! You are right - humor offers an excellent social solution to the issues related to disability.
peace and love, gp
Poster Brat,
you rock!! I wish I could be there for this event. How does one procure I'm Spazticus??? I have to see it! You are right - humor offers an excellent social solution to the issues related to disability.
peace and love, gp
Posted by: gimp pimp | March 1, 2006 01:01 PM
How could I purchase one of these films?
Posted by: Patty McDonald | March 1, 2006 07:57 PM