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Guide dog not allowed. Collect $200,000

When Ginny Quick went with her guide dog to a job interview at Americall, the telemarketing firm, she didn't realize she'd end up not with a job but a discrimination suit.When she received a letter from Americall saying it wouldn't allow the dog in the workplace -- which is illegal, of course, under the Americans with Disabilities Act -- she contacted the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission who sued Americall on her behalf.

In early December, the case was settled, with Quick being awarded $200,000. Americall has also agreed as part of the settlement to train its managers and human resource employees on disability law.

Sounds like they need that training.

Related: Blind woman settles suit against telemarketing firm (Chicago Tribune)

Naperville company pays $200,000 to blind woman turned down for job (Suburban Chicago News)

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