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June, '04 |
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Commissioners Reject Lighting Plan To Avoid ADA Upgrades by Dave Reynolds, Inclusion Daily Express This article is reproduced here under special arrangement with Inclusion Daily Express Email News Service. CHARLESTON, WV, July 22, 2004 --Capitol Building Commissioners voted Tuesday to reject a plan for new lighting on the walkways connecting the east and west wings with the main structure, because they would then have to make them accessible. The House of Delegates had wanted lights installed on the roofs of the second-story walkways so they could see better when they have night sessions. According to a brief story in the Charleston Gazette, Commission members said new lights and posts would constitute a "substantial" upgrade, which would then mean the walkways would have to be made to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. The 1990 federal law requires older public facilities to be made accessible to people with disabilities when undergoing substantial upgrades. Commission member Donna Lipscomb told the panel that upgrading the walkways would require lifts, ramps and other structural changes which would cost an estimated $165,000. "That was a nice try," said Troy Body, acting commissioner of the Division of Culture and History, "and that's the end of it." Wheelchair Athletes: 'No Logic' To Olympic Exclusion by Dave Reynolds, Inclusion Daily Express This article is reproduced here under special arrangement with Inclusion Daily Express Email News Service. TORONTO, July 21, 2004 --The International Olympic Committee has invited 16 wheelchair athletes to race in two demonstration events during the track and field schedule at next months' 2004 Summer Olympic Games in Athens, Greece. The wheelchair athletes, however, have been informed that they will not be considered part of the official Olympic delegation and will not be allowed to participate in the opening or closing ceremonies. Neither will they be allowed to stay with the other athletes at Athletes Village for the rest of the Olympic Games. "It's really, really frustrating, because there's no logic to it," Canada's Jeff Adams, 33, told the Canadian Press. "We're on the same night as the 100-meter men's final, so there's some kind of realization it's a fun sport to watch, the top eight guys are going to be within a second and a half of each other, it's all of the things we want when we watch sports." "But we've got this caveat in it where we're not part of the official delegation, and I don't understand why not." Adams, a six-time world champion and four-time Paralympian, said the wheelchair athletes should be treated the same as all of the other participants. "Kick them out if that's what you want, or stop this quasi-second rate citizen treatment we're getting," said Adams, who will be competing in four events during the Paralympic Games two weeks later in September. "I think we really need to take a stand," he continued. "We saw this happen to black athletes 50 or 80 years ago, we saw it happen with women athletes. When you take a stand, things change." Caroline Assalian, an official with the Canadian Olympic Committee, called the IOC's decision "ridiculous". She said the wheelchair athletes are considered part of the Canadian team and that she expects them to be treated the same. "We consider the three Paralympic athletes as part of the Canadian team, we'll clothe them, they'll be they'll be living in the village, getting their accreditation, we go above and beyond the organizing committee," said Assalian. "They're going to be part of the Canadian team, we'll make space for them in the Village." "There's only one class of athletes, so if you're on the team, you're treated equally just like everyone else," explained Assalian. Wheelchair demonstrations have been a part of the Olympic Games since 1984. More Turn Out Than Expected At First Disability Pride Parade by Dave Reynolds, Inclusion Daily Express This article is reproduced here under special arrangement with Inclusion Daily Express Email News Service. CHICAGO, July 20, 2004 --The organizers of Sunday's First International Disability Pride Parade had expected about 500 people with disabilities to show up to participate. They were wrong. An estimated 650 people from 60 different disability groups rolled, walked or rode down Chicago's Solidarity Drive to show that having a disability is nothing to be ashamed of. "We're trying to unite all people with all different kinds of disabilities to send a message that disability is a natural and beautiful part of human diversity," parade co-organizer Sarah Triano told the Chicago Sun-Times. "We don't need to be cured," she said. "We don't need to be fixed. We are whole human beings just the way we are." The hour-long parade was followed by a rally at Soldier Field Green. In organizing the parade, Triano partnered with The Nth Degree's Dan Wilkins, and brought seed money from part of a $10,000 prize from the 2002 American Association of People With Disabilities Paul G. Hearne Leadership Award. "These are young people who are passionate about owning the fact that they have a disability," explained Andrew Imparato, president of AAPD. "I'm hoping this is the beginning of a natural phenomenon where Chicago is the anchor." Triano and other event organizers worked with the Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities for what they hope will become an annual event.
Related: Mississippi, Nevada lead list of worst states for in-home services SEATTLE, July 20, 2004 -- Mississippi. Nevada. Louisiana. Tennessee. Illinois. Georgia. Alabama. New Jersey. Florida. The District of Columbia. These 10 made ADAPT's list of the worst states at "providing options for people with disabilities and older Americans to live and receive support services in the community," says ADAPT. The group announced its "10 Worst" list during its week of protests at the National Governors' Association meeting in Seattle. "This ranking comes 5 years after the Supreme Court ruled in the Olmstead vs LC & EW case that people with disabilities, regardless of age,had the right to home and community services in 'the most integrated setting,'" says ADAPT. "The results, though not scientific, give an accurate reflection of the relative standing of each state in its provision of home and community services." Following these 10 are Pennsylvania, Indiana, Texas, Ohio, Iowa, Kentucky, Virginia, Nebraska, Arkansas and Missouri. ADAPT's analysis "weighed various long term care factors based on published data and the evaluation of people with disabilities (old and young) of their state's provision of long term services and supports," said the group. Some of the factors looked at in the ranking included institutional spending versus community spending, nursing home spending per capita; community spending per capita and the ranking of state spending on community long term care. In Mississippi, says ADAPT, 87 percent of long term care spending goes for nursing homes and other institutions. The state is 51st (lowest of all 50 states and the District of Columbia) in expenditures for persons with developmental disabilities in the community; 47th in overall spending on community services for people with disabilities and 17th in per-capita spending on nursing homes. The state is involved in an ongoing lawsuit for not complying with the Supreme Court Olmstead decision. In Nevada, 67 percent of long term care spending goes for nursing homes and other institutions. Lowest spending per capita on all community services. Read more about each state's rankings PDF | HTML ADAPT To Agitate at Govs' Seattle Meeting SEATTLE, July 16, 2004 --Over 500 ADAPT activists are expected in Seattle as the National Governors' Association meets there starting tomorrow. ADAPT plans disruptions to press the nation's governors to implement in-home services rather than pouring state funds into nursing homes. "Governors have a responsibility to guard and enforce the rights of all their citizens not just the wealthy or powerful few," said national ADAPT organizer Bob Kafka. "Our right to live freely in our own homes like other citizens has never been acknowledged and protected by the nation's governors. As a group, they have issued pro-community position papers, but in practice, community services are the first to be cut even though they're cheaper than institutions. And right now they are pushing Congress to block grant Medicaid, which would only mean that more older people and people with disabilities would be kept in or forced into nursing homes and other institutional settings." Kafka told the Seattle Post-Intelligencer's Angela Galloway that mass arrests were a possibility. ADAPT's protesters sometimes say they'd "rather be in jail than in a nursing home," he told Galloway. "In jail, at least you know when you're going to get out." June 21 marked the 5th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court's Olmstead decision in which the Court affirmed the right of persons with disabilities to live in the community instead of being "segregated" in institutional settings States were encouraged to develop plans outlining their commitment to move people from institutions to community settings, but, says ADAPT, "statistics from the Federal Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services show that states have made little progress." During the 5 days of protests, ADAPT plans to unveil its list of "ten states with the poorest records on supporting community based long term care." They'll also demand that governors push for passage of two bills now in Congress "that guarantee people the choice to live in their own home and community" -- the "Money Follows the Person" Act and the Medicaid Attendant Services and Supports Act (MiCASSA -H.R. 2032). Readers can follow the Seattle events day to day at the Free Our People ADAPT Action Report site. Read Galloway's story in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer Two CA Counties Settle E-Vote Suit RIVERSIDE, CA, July 14, 2004 --Riverside and San Bernardino counties, two of the counties that had sued CA Sec. of State Kevin Shelley for telling them they could not use electronic voting machines unless they provided a paper ballot, have agreed to do so and so will be allowed to use electronic voting machines in the November election. The counties have dropped out of the lawsuit. Last week a federal judge ruled that Shelley was within his right to require counties to stop e-voting unless they could provide a paper ballot, that there was no disability rights requirement for a "secret ballot" (see story below). That suit is being appealed. More from the Associated Press (San Diego Tribune site) Letter By "Harry Potter" Author Sparks Changes In Czech Caged Beds Policy by Dave Reynolds, Inclusion Daily Express This article is reproduced here under special arrangement with Inclusion Daily Express Email News Service. PRAGUE, July 13, 2004 --After years of work by international human rights groups and pressure from international bodies, it appears that a letter from a writer of children's books has caused the Czech government to reverse its position on caged beds in mental institutions. According to several sources, J.K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series, wrote to Czech President Vaclav Klaus calling on him to ban the use of caged bed for children and adults in his nation's psychiatric hospitals. Rowling wrote the letter after reading about six children with developmental disabilities who were discovered last month in wire cages at a facility near Prague. The Sunday Times had reported that the children were let out briefly each morning to be fed and washed, but spent the rest of their time in the cages. The noted author told President Klaus that she was "horrified beyond words" and asked him to end the "torture" of these and other children. The next day, the Czech health ministry announced that it would immediately remove all caged beds from the country's mental health facilities. Czech authorities have said that there are about 20 caged beds and about 100 net-covered beds in psychiatric centers. Amnesty International, the Council of Europe, the European Union and the United Nations all have pressured the Czech government to stop restraining people with disabilities in the enclosures made from metal bars or wire mesh. "We have been following the situation for some time," said Aneta Kupkova, a health ministry spokeswoman, "and the letter from Ms. Rowling was one reason we decided to act now." Kupkova said that the caged beds would be banned immediately, and that the use of net-covered beds would be forbidden by the end of the year. In a related story, last week the BBC Radio 4 featured two stories about a man who was held for a week against his will in a caged bed at a Czech psychiatric hospital.
Related: Paralympians Call Sportswear Sponsorship Unfair by Dave Reynolds, Inclusion Daily Express This article is reproduced here under special arrangement with Inclusion Daily Express Email News Service. CROYDON, ENGLAND, July 12, 2004 --The international sportswear company Adidas will be fully outfitting the British Olympic Association team for next month's Athens 2004 Summer Olympic Games. Athletes with the British Paralympic Association, however, will simply get a discount on their Adidas gear for the Athens 2004 Paralympic Games, which are scheduled from September 17 to September 28. Some Paralympians call this unfair, BBC News reported Saturday. "I think it's disgraceful that Adidas is doing this," wheelchair racer Tushar Patel told the BBC. "It looks like discrimination again." Officials with the BPA said they are grateful to Adidas for sponsorship them in the past eight years, allowing athletes with disabilities to wear the same designs as their Olympic counterparts. "Adidas has long been a supporter of the British team," they said in a statement. Swimmer Marc Woods said it might not be realistic for Paralympians to expect the same level of sponsorship as Olympic athletes, considering the relative level of exposure they receive. "We do not get the wall-to-wall coverage like the Olympic guys get," said Woods. BBC-TV plans to provide a total of 1,200 hours of Olympic Games coverage from August 11 through August 29. During the 12 days of the Paralympic Games, however, BBC will show 90 minutes of coverage each day, for a total of 18 hours.
Related: Cops Ticket 50 In Accessible Parking Sting by Dave Reynolds, Inclusion Daily Express This article is reproduced here under special arrangement with Inclusion Daily Express Email News Service. MJOLIET, I, July 12, 2004 --Following many complaints by disability advocates, officers from the Illinois Secretary of State Police and the City of Joliet Police led a sting operation over the weekend to nab drivers who illegally parked in spaces reserved for people with disabilities. Police set up checkpoints outside two paved lots specifically reserved for people with disabilities outside the Chicagoland Motor Speedway. The checkpoints told drivers they needed to be ready to produce photo ID that would match the holder of a state-approved parking placard, or risk a $100 minimum fine. In spite of the warning, dozens of drivers went past the checkpoints and parked illegally. On Saturday alone, the cops handed out 50 citations, the Chicago Sun-Times reported. "They had every opportunity to not want to park in disabled parking," said Bill Bogdan, the Secretary of State's disability liaison. "Yet, still, people were that arrogant to say, 'Yeah, I'm going to park there.'" Many of those ticketed were the children or grandchildren of placard holders who did not come with the drivers. A handful were charged with Class A misdemeanors for altering the expiration dates on their placards. National Disability Groups Weigh In on Schiavo Case CHICAGO, July 12, 2004 -- On Monday, 17 national disability groups filed a friend-of-the-court brief in the Florida lawsuit questioning the constitutionaliity of "Terri's Law," the law FL Gov. Jeb Bush got through the legislature allowing Terri Schiavo to have food and water (see story, below). The FL Supreme Court is scheduled to hear the case Aug. 31. The brief urges the FL Supreme Court "to reverse the lower court and uphold Terri Schiavo's right to food, water and rehabilitation," says a press statement issued by the groups, which include Not Dead Yet, ADAPT, The Arc of the United States , ADAPT, Center on Self-Determination, Center on Human Policy at Syracuse University, Disability Rights Center, Freedom Clearinghouse, Hospice Patients' Alliance, Mouth Magazine, National Council on Independent Living, National Disabled Students Union, National Spinal Cord Injury Association, Self-Advocates Becoming Empowered, Society for Disability Studies, TASH, World Association of Persons with Disabilities, and World Institute on Disability. "The standards upon which Ms. Schiavo's life or death turn may, if defined broadly enough, also be applied to thousands of people with disabilities who, like Ms. Schiavo, cannot readily articulate their own views and must rely on third parties as substitute decision-makers," says the groups' statement. "The need for limits on the powers of such decision makers is nowhere more clear that on a question as fundamental as life or death, because the consequences of abuse or misjudgment are both ultimate and irreversible." Max Lapertosa, attorney for the groups, says, "A judge's order to terminate the life of a woman with severe disabilities is not a private family matter. Terminating Ms. Schiavo's life support would not be possible without the authority of the courts. This case reflects whether our society and legal system value the lives of people with disabilities equally to those without disabilities." Read the groups' friend-of-the-court brief. Preacher Guilty In Boy's Exorcism Death by Dave Reynolds, Inclusion Daily Express This article is reproduced here under special arrangement with Inclusion Daily Express Email News Service. MILWAUKEE, July 9, 2004 --After deliberating just four hours, a jury convicted Ray Anthony Hemphill with felony physical abuse of a child causing great bodily harm in the suffocation death of a 8-year-old Terrance Cottrell Jr. (See original story.) The boy's father told reporters the ruling was "minor justice", adding that he thought prosecutors should have charged Hemphill with manslaughter or murder. Hemphill was escorted out of the courtroom in handcuffs after the verdict was read Friday afternoon. He will be held in jail until his scheduled August 18 sentencing unless his family and church can post a $10,000 bail. At that time he faces a maximum sentence of five years in prison and five more years on extended supervision and up to $25,000 in fines. Ray Hemphill, 47, was ordained as a pastor of the Faith Temple Church of the Apostolic Faith by his brother, "Bishop" David Hemphill, who founded the church in 1977. Hemphill told police on the night of August 22, 2003 that he had been holding a series of special prayer services, described by some as exorcisms, over the previous three weeks to remove "evil spirits" of autism from Cottrell. Hemphill, who weighed 157 pounds, described how he would sit or lay on "Junior's" chest for up to two hours at a time, whispering into the boy's ear for the "demons" to leave his body. Three women -- including the child's mother, Patricia Cooper -- described to police how they sat on Cottrell's arms and legs while Hemphill sat on his chest. One woman said she pushed down on the boy's diaphragm several times during the service. At some point during the service, the boy stopped breathing. During the trial that began Tuesday, Hemphill's defense attorney Thomas Harris brought in an expert to testify that high levels of three types of medication, including an anti-psychotic drug, caused the boy's death. Prosecutor Mark S. Williams presented a different toxicologist to state that the medication levels, while high, were not within the toxic range and did not contribute to his death. The medical examiner who performed Cottrell's autopsy told jurors he found signs of hemorrhaging in the boy's eye, a condition seen in cases of strangulation, or increased pressure to the vascular blood supply. During closing arguments, Williams told the jury that Hemphill knew he was hurting Cottrell because the boy was struggling to get away. Williams said that children with autism do not like to be held or touched. Williams said Hemphill simply didn't care. None of the three women testified during the trial, citing their Fifth Amendment right to refuse to testify to avoid incriminating themselves. Milwaukee County District Attorney E. Michael McCann had not yet decided whether to file charges against any of the women.
Related: --- Nine Months Not Enough For Locking Boys In Cages by Dave Reynolds, Inclusion Daily Express This article is reproduced here under special arrangement with Inclusion Daily Express Email News Service. OSHAWA, ONTARIO, July 7, 2004 --An Ontario court has issued a nine-month sentence to a couple for abusing their adoptive sons and locking them in wire mesh cages. The sentence, announced Monday by Ontario Court Judge Donald Halikowski, means that the couple will likely spend just three months behind bars because provincial jail guidelines allow prisoners to be released on full parole after serving one-third of their sentences. Prosecutors had asked for the wife to serve up to eight years and the husband to serve five years for the crimes. "Both accused share equal responsibility as parents. Both failed." Judge Halikowski said. "What started out as good intentions descended darkly into abusive behavior . . . ending in near torture." The husband and wife pleaded guilty in January to forcible confinement, assault with a weapon and neglect of the boys, who are their biological nephews. The names of the couple have not been named in order to protect the privacy of the sons who are now 17 and 18 years of age and are living in foster care. "I don't feel justice has been served," the younger son told the Globe and Mail after the sentence was announced. "I feel they should get more time." The top government attorney in Oshawa agreed, and has already issued an appeal to the Ministry of the Attorney General requesting a review of Halikowski's ruling. A tip from a relative three years ago led police and child-care authorities to the remote farmhouse where they rescued the boys from what they later described as one of the worst abuse situations they had ever seen. Investigators later learned that the couple subjected the brothers to "near torture" for a period of 13 years. The boys told of being beaten, tied to their beds, handcuffed and locked overnight in a makeshift cage. They said they were forced to wear diapers because they couldn't get to the bathroom, and that they were in such fear of being punished for soiling themselves that they sometimes ate and drank their own wastes. At a later hearing, the couple's defense argued that the boys have attention deficit disorder and fetal alcohol syndrome which made it more difficult for the parents to cope. The government's attorneys disputed those claims. "There is no doubt they were difficult to raise," said Halikowski, according to a story from Canadian Television. No Right to Secret Ballot under ADA, Says Judge -- Group Will Appeal by Dave Reynolds, Inclusion Daily Express This article is reproduced here under special arrangement with Inclusion Daily Express Email News Service. LOS ANGELES July 8, 2004 --Disability rights groups said that they would appeal a federal judge's decision this week which supported a California elections official's ban on electronic voting systems. U.S. District Judge Florence-Marie Cooper ruled late Tuesday that California Secretary of State Kevin Shelley was reasonable on April 30 when he decertified Diebold touch-screen voting systems in Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego and Orange counties. Shelley had claimed that the electronic systems were not reliable, in part because they did not provide a paper record of votes. The systems had been criticized also for not being tamper-proof, thus allowing computer hackers to change election results. The touch-screen systems have been favored by many voters with disabilities which affect mobility, reading, hearing and vision, because the systems have features that allow them to independently cast a private ballot. Federal law requires polling sites to have accessible voting systems in place by 2006. Disability advocates joined the counties in suing Shelley in May, claiming his action violated the 14th Amendment of the Constitution, the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act, the 2002 Help America Vote Act, along with state election laws. Judge Cooper disagreed, stating that the laws do not require "accommodation that would enable disabled persons to vote in a manner that is comparable in every way with the voting rights enjoyed by persons without disabilities." "The interest of the Secretary of State in fulfilling his statutory duties and the public interest in accurate, verifiable vote counts outweigh the plaintiff's interest in an unassisted, private vote," she concluded. Jim Dickson, vice president of the American Association of People with Disabilities, told the Oakland Tribune that the new federal ruling in California, if unchallenged, suggests that states and counties can legally make voting systems less accessible. "The judge is wrong and we're going to appeal," said Dickson, who is blind. Related: "Judge backs state's e-vote paper backup" (Oakland Tribune) Read Waiting -- Again -- for the Vote from Ragged Edge Online. Blame Terrorists For Lack Of Accessible Parking At Nevada Federal Buildings; Don't Know Who To Blame For Bus Access Troubles by Dave Reynolds, Inclusion Daily Express This article is reproduced here under special arrangement with Inclusion Daily Express Email News Service. LAS VEGAS, July 6, 2004 --Last week, Paul Martin, president of Nevadans for Equal Access, spent some time with Las Vegas Review-Journal columnist Jane Ann Morrison, to show her some of the problems with accessibility in Nevada. Morrison learned, and shared with her readers, that none of the federal buildings in the state have parking that is accessible and convenient for people with disabilities. The General Services Administration, which oversees federal buildings across the country, told her that new security measures restrict all federal building parking to employees only. "It's a lost cause in Las Vegas," said Martin. What is not lost, Martin and other disability rights advocates hope, is the case for accessible buses and bus stops in the city. It turns out that several people with disabilities are not able to access the new Metropolitan Area Express bus system, in part because the fresh asphalt paving at the stops leave a sharp 4 to 5 inch drop, which is dangerous to wheelchairs. Some riders cannot access the new high tech buses because the designated spaces on the buses are too narrow for their wheelchairs. "Presumably those people have oversized chairs for a need, but that's just a guess," wrote Morrison. "Maybe they deliberately use oversized wheelchairs just to aggravate the RTC (Regional Transportation Commission).
Related: Appeals Court Shuts Parents Out Of Fight Over 'Terri's Law' by Dave Reynolds, Inclusion Daily Express This article is reproduced here under special arrangement with Inclusion Daily Express Email News Service. CLEARWATER, FL, July 2, 2004 --Terri Schiavo's parents will not be allowed to intervene in a suit over the law that has kept her alive since October, an appeals court ruled Wednesday. The 2nd District Court of Appeal ruled that Pinellas Circuit Judge W. Douglas Baird was correct when he refused in March to allow Bob and Mary Schindler to join Governor Jeb Bush in the suit Michael Schiavo filed against him. Last October, Bush championed "Terri's Law" through the Legislature, giving him permission to have Terri's feeding tube reinserted six days after it had been removed under a court order. Mr. Schiavo, who is Terri's husband and guardian, filed the lawsuit against the governor claiming the law violated her right to privacy along with the separation of powers provisions of the state constitution. The Florida Supreme Court is scheduled to hear oral arguments in the case on August 31. Pat Anderson, the attorney representing the Schindlers, said her clients would still be able to file briefs in support of the governor. "It would be a shame to shut them out of the process," she told the Associated Press. Disability rights advocates have been watching Terri's legal battle for several years. Her husband and several doctors claim that she has been in a "persistent vegetative state" since she collapsed and her brain was without oxygen for several minutes in February 1990. The courts have consistently supported Mr. Schiavo's claims that Terri cannot recover from her injury, that she does not feel pain, and that she would not have wanted to live "by artificial means". Terri's parents believe that she is alert and responsive and that she could improve with therapies which Mr. Schiavo has denied her for at least the past 10 years. They have claimed that Terri's husband wants her to die so that he can remarry, and so he can benefit from what's left of an insurance settlement that now pays for her treatment. The Schindlers want him removed as Terri's guardian and have pushed for an investigation into their allegations that he has abused, neglected and financially exploited her. They also suspect that Michael may have caused Terri's initial collapse. The Schindlers and advocates have defended Terri's right to live, noting that allowing her to die by starvation would reinforce the message that the lives of people with certain disabilities are not worth living. With their urging, and that of right-to-life advocates, Governor Bush championed the measure which allowed the legislature to give him permission to order Terri's feeding tube reinserted on October 22.
Related: Report Rates Olmstead Impact 5 Years Later WASHINGTON, DC, July 1, 2004 --A new study by the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured traces the progress made in the U.S. five years after the landmark Olmstead V. L.C. ruling of 1999 by the U.S. Supreme Court. The report points to the need for two critical changes: modernizing Medicaid and increasing incentives for investments in community services. The report was prepared by Sara Rosenbaum, J.D., and Joel Tietelbaum, J.D., LL.M., of The George Washington University Medical Center in Washington, DC. Read Olmstead at Five: Assessing the Impact at the Kaiser Family Foundation website.
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