No Disabled Need Apply The sign, for the "Le Boulanger" restaurant chain, reads, "Help us. We need able bodied people willing to work!! Various locations available. Contact John at (408) 286-6780 or stop in at 95 S. Market St., San Jose, CA 95113. All positions available, including Asst. Manager. Benefits Include Med., Dental, Meal Plan. Competitive Salary."
An attorney in San Jose spotted this sign, says the Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund's Ken Stein. Kyra Kazantzis submitted the picture, which was taken by Shawna Schwarz. Click here for a larger version of the photo.
Ragged Edge Online reader Jean Ryan tells us that you can file an online complaint about the sign at www.leboulanger.com/feedback.html. The corporate headquarters of the Le Boulanger chain is 306 N. Mathilda Avenue; Sunnyvale, CA 94086. The phone is 408/774-9000; fax is 408/523-9810. The chairman is Roger Brunello; President is Dan Brunello (email: dbrunelo@leboulanger.com). The employment specialist is Rosalba Grajeda (email: rgrajeda@leboulanger.com).