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Readers respond...
to Steve Drake's review of review of Million Dollar Baby
RE: review of Million Dollar Baby
- Tuesday, February 22, 2005 at 00:05:36 (EST)I am excited by the fact that I have come to know the movies "Million Dollar Baby" and "The Sea Inside" through critics like Art Blaser, Orson Scott Card, and Michael Medved. I am happy that there are true critics that can see through the pretentious Hollywood hounds to advise the audience of the true moral messages of the movie. I don't think of myself as one who is closely related to people with disabilities. But, that is because I don't look at the disability when I look at the people I am close to. Hollywood, and it's followers, are so shallow that they are unable to see beyond the most exterior layer of the person. That is why every 'star' must be blemish free, with an ideal shape. Thus, anytime they use any actor or actress this is not a perfect prototype of beauty, they pat themselves on the back profusely for having done something that is, in their eyes, noble. Ironically, they neglect the ugliness of these people that is evidenced by their personal and professional actions, on and off screen. Joe Shope Mesa, AZ USA RE: review of Million Dollar Baby
- Monday, February 21, 2005 at 16:52:53 (EST)Stephen Drake's review of the movie "Million Dollar Baby" is incredibly vain and preposterous. If anything, the movie gives the public several options to choose from in making up its own mind about being 'better dead than disabled'. Also, I can't believe so much agony is being suffered by this guy over the word 'frozen' used in Maggie's lines regarding her cervical vertabrae. Please, get off your high horse and see what the general unknowing enabled public audience sees. Give us some credit for being empathetic, sympathetic, and frustrated, divided, and offended by insensitive people outside the world of someone like this girl. The story was more of a depiction of Frankie's struggle to redeem himself for his lost fatherhood, and his love for his boxing student was all he had to give. Her wishes were his. He was the only one that could see the world through her eyes at the time. Her dumbass family sure didn't give a damn. As for Danger, he was cared for, and he displayed courage in coming back after he'd been beat up once. He had hope on a daily basis. Scrap and Frankie gave him a place to be and live, something to look forward to. That was inherently important to leading us into the hearts of these two "hardened" boxer/trainer guys, and their actions. I don't care for boxing either, but it takes all kinds of people to make this world go around, and when you start judging others because they are not like you, we are in trouble. In this very difficult time of division, our freedom of expression is being trod on and that is a fearful thing. I design web sites for the disabled and I'm certainly able to see into their worlds at least on some small level. Those who have courage to live in spite of their disabilities are the most admirable creatures on earth. Those that would die deserve the honor to make that decision, if they so choose. Stop taking your own heartache out on Clint Eastwood and his movie. Not really very bright of you. Deborah Herriage Austin, TX United States
I just finished reading the review of Clint's big movie, and I must admit that I muttered to myself all the way through. Then again, that's why I read your website....realistic articles by realistic people. Keep'em coming.
- Thursday, February 17, 2005 at 21:23:22 (EST)D.Davis Winnipeg, MB Canada
RE: review of Million Dollar Baby
- Tuesday, February 15, 2005 at 23:10:02 (EST)I want to thank Mr. Drake and Ms. Johnson for their reviews of Million Dollar Baby (M$B). When I first heard of the film, I assumed it was Girl-Rocky, knocked out, but comes back to a happy-ever-after win. Since I'm not a fan of boxing or Clint Eastwood, this firm was not on my radar screen. Then I started to read the reviews which, although revealed the shock factor, convinced me that this film was something different. When I read the reviews filled with venom and intention to harm the film's attendance, I knew that the reviewers had gone too far. In an act of defiance, I went to see M$B, accompanied by my profoundly disabled cousin. This has to be the best $10.50 I have ever spent. Having studied art, I realized that art has no impact if it does not get one's attention. Real art is viewed, thought about, mulled over, and appreciated differently depending on the viewer's point of view. Although my cousin and I noticed different small things as they occurred in the film, neither of us saw it as anti-disability or pro-euthanasia. M$B is true art. The hate-filled and harmful reviews missed this point. As another commenter noted, one needs to pick one's battles carefully. In attempting to make a piece of fiction into a score-settling battleground, credibility can easily slip away. Anyhow, thank you for giving me the push to see this film. Mary Roanoke, VA USA
I just read the review by Steve Drake on "Million Dollar Baby" and am so glad i am not the only one who had a difficult time swallowing the storyline after the injury. It drives me crazy when the technical aspect of movies depicting medical treatment post injury is so incredibly misrepresented. My friends tell me they think it's funny to watch a medical show with me because I point out all the incorrect procedures and talk about how these errors lead people to have unrealistic views of medical issues. Like, when did they invent a trach that allowed a person to speak without a speaking valve? Drives me crazy!! I was also frustrated seeing Maggie in a poor rehab facility and developing "bedsores". Did the woman not receive any physical therapy? Couldn't Clint do a little ROM. One doesn't usually develop pressure sores behind their knees!!! And the first course of action would not be to "whack it off". The comment by Eastwood "she can't move so she gets sores" blew me away. I was screaming inside, "someone COULD move her"!! It is a dark reflection on the medical profession when these scenes are so obviously technically incorrect. I also am in total agreement that many have the misconception that people with disabilities are better off dead. This movie just seemed to reinforce that thought. I know it was a better ending than having Maggie actually go to school and finding a job but I see families justifying some actions by saying the patient would be "better off dead". I try hard to just "enjoy the movie" but I am at the mercy of the old saying "sometimes we just know too much" that ruins it for me. I am cognizant of the fact this was a story from a book and appreciate it should be true to the story-just get the technical stuff right!!
- Tuesday, February 15, 2005 at 17:09:36 (EST)Karen Karen <imagineone@sbcglobal.net> Evansville, IN USA
WOW...I am not even sure how I ended up on your web site, but glad I did. My 21 yr old son is a SCI (C-4-5 complete)...he TOO had dreams like the Million Dollar Baby, although his were for baseball not boing. I have not seen this movie, and had NO idea of the content of it till I read your review. From what I know, Swanks injury in the film is similar to Christopher Reeves (hign level SCI) and yet look at what he did with his life post-injury.....WONDERFUL THINGS, not to mention bringing SCI research to the forefront. For Eastwood to portray a disabled person as a "waste" and to show death (assisted suicide) as the only answer appalls me. Always thought Eastwood was a walking (isn't HE lucky) talent...both in front of and behind the screens....although from what I have red about him, he is NOT much of a "man" when it comes to his treatment of some of the women in his past (but that is ANOTHER story for another day)....after reading your recap of his Million Dollar Baby, I now have no desire to see the film and it sickens me to think that this type of desperate film is what the Oscars hope to reward. I have to ask myself if Eastwood's own daughter was injured and suffered a SCI would he be the one to pull the plug. As a mother who thought (in the early hours after my son's accident) that death was the answer, and that he would be "happier" to pass on....I can say now (2 years post injury)...that sentiment was DEAD WRONG. My son is STILL my son...his heart, his soul, his mind are STILL completly and totally my son. Just because his arms and legs have "gone to sleep" (until that day when the cure is found...and it WILL be found) this is not a reason to cast someone aside as a "waste of life"...From where I stand, "the value of a man is not judged by how tall he stands or how fast he runs....the value of a man is measured in the capacity of his heart, the compassion of his soul and the brightness of his smile".....from where I sit, maybe someone should hand Mr Eastwood a mirror so he can take a good look at himself. From my definition, Mr Eastwood is not a "man" at all. I always thought of Ms. Swank as one of Hollywoods up and coming newer stars...I hope she is smart enough to not get sucked into the "darkness" of Hollywood "use-to-be's" like Eastwood. (yes, he has found continued success behind the camera, but eventually people will see his for WHO he really is...in the mean time he makes money of those of us who didn't know what he really stood for)
- Monday, February 14, 2005 at 08:31:31 (EST)Maybe these comments are harsh...maybe they are made from a mother who's heart broke when she almost lost one of her children. But that same mother STILL has the joy of spending time with her son EVERYDAY and hugging him and talking to him, and hearing him yell as his favorite team has scored...JUST LIKE BEFORE. I have the joy of his presence instead of the heartwrenching task of putting flowers on his grave. Thank God, we did not take the advice of those like Eastwood who thought it better to say good-bye. trish <bonz223@hotmail.com> charlotte, nc
The review you had for Million Dollar Baby was ridiculous. The movie's screenplay was adapted by Paul Haggis from Rope Burns: Stories From the Corner, a 2000 book by Jerry Boyd, a 70-year-old fight manager who wrote it as "F.X. Toole". Clint Eastwoods job was simply to tell a story that was already written. Eastwood has been in movies blowing people away with a 44 magnum, but that does not necessarily mean that Eastwook endorses it. When can you watch a movie for what it is "a story" and stop trying to find some kind of hidden agenda.
- Monday, February 14, 2005 at 00:21:41 (EST)Will Monroe, NC USA
I went to see the movie "Million Dollar Baby" tonight. I knew nothing about this movie except that the person ahead of me in line had told me it was a good movie about a female boxer. Ok, so I go see it. I was so disgusted and angry that I walked out at the part shortly after she requests Frankie to do her in, when she bit her tongue to kill herself, because I just knew exactly where the plot was headed. This deceptive twist in the plot was a dirty harry trick. This movie is pure euthanasia propaganda. That is how I see it and that is why I walked out. I felt no need to waste any more of my time since I had already wasted my money. They are shoving this crap down society's throat. When will people wake up, or has society morally declined this much? I'm glad that I didn't stay long enough to see the credits roll the names of Jack Kevorkian and George Felos. I really wish I had not listened to the lady standing in line in front of me because there were 7 other movies I could have choosen. It sure seems Hollywood has really lost touch with their consumer base or have they? I have a different opinion of Clint Eastwood than I use to. He can make all the sorry excuses he wants but I don't buy one of them. What a misfit. Who do I complain to? Ha, as if they'd listen anyway.
- Sunday, February 13, 2005 at 03:08:35 (EST)Mary B <gentlerthymes@yahoo.com> Chicago, IL USA
- Thursday, February 10, 2005 at 17:26:47 (EST)by Keith Kessler Wednesday, (2/2/05), I went to watch the much talked about movie among disabled advocates called the "Million Dollar Baby" by Clint Eastwood. I think all of the rambling against this movie is unwarranted because Eastwood played a great role along with Morgan Freeman (who narrated and acted also) and Hillary Swank. First, you've got to remember it's only a movie which tried to cover many issues within the 2hr and 20 minute timeframe. I'll address some of the concerns many have expressed and if you want to respond, scream or yell, I'll make a special page on my website just for your comments. First, I'm sure to make many people unhappy by saying I enjoyed Million Dollar Baby. Mary Johnson from Ragged Edge wrote an interesting story about Baby called "We need to talk!" but although I don't agree with everything she has to say, I do agree with her, in that, our side of the story needs told. This movie is a simple movie that couldn't possibly touch on all the aspects of being disabled or just speaking of disabilities in general during the short time allotted. So it choose to portray a poor white female almost past her prime in age as a wannabe woman boxer. Maggie, (Hillary Swank) the boxer was from a poor town in the midwest where options of getting ahead in life were few. So she went to a large city where she chose Eastwood or Franky, who owned a boxing gym to train her. In the gym there was also a young man named Danger, who obviously had a learning disability, and he frequented the gym daily, training on his own (for free) to become a fighter. Although Danger would never acquire the skills to ever become a boxer he enjoyed his visits just the same. One bully fighter called Danger a "retard" which did raise the ire of a few disability advocates that I've read and heard from. This isn't any different from the real world where ignorant people often times refer to others as "retards" so the movie was in no way making fun of the learning disabled. Perhaps it just showed how ignorant some people can be and increases the awareness to better educate the public. Fast forward so not to ruin the movie. Maggie learned to fight and fought well. Then she was injured severing her spinal cord between C1-2 level which left her vent dependent and totally paralyzed. The movie moves fast after the injury showing pressure sores on her arms and her leg eventually being amputated. In a real rehab those types of wounds would never have occurred, but remember, this is only a movie showing worse case scenarios. There were also no scenes of any type of rehabilitation training which would occur in a real rehab but time wouldn't allow that either. Maggie told Franky of how she wouldn't like to live like she was by referencing a pet dog her father put down when she was younger. She asked Eastwood to help end her life, but he refused, trying instead to get her interested in college or something else she could be taught to do. Now advocates that read this are already yelling Eastwood is against the disabled but that is not what this show intentioned people to think. Maggie was a strong willed person who decided "on her own" that this was not a lifestyle she wanted or intended to live. This is/was her choice as which it should be. The end showed Eastwood helping Maggie to end her life because he knew she would do everything in her power to do so anyway and he wanted to spare her more attempts to end her life without the additional pain. Eastwood was being a true friend by doing something against his religion and his own feelings which were strongly against helping Maggie end her life, but he finally decided under extreme torment, to do what Maggie asked of him as a friend. I can only state that I've got a "Living Will" stating I will NOT live under any such life support systems. This is my choice and I'm not concerned about who it may offend. My feelings are that "when the quality of life fails to be better than the quantity of life" then I'm no longer interested in living. Many people have differing views and I respect their opinions regarding their own life, but, I will not live on somebody else's directive of how they think I should live. This is the point that Baby tried to get across to those who viewed it with an open mind. I'll agree with Mary Johnson that the disabled really never discuss all the hardships we incur just going about our daily living. Personal care attendants are a major issue and I can attest to that fact after having gone through over 20 caregivers last year alone. Having or retaining quality caregivers is very difficult because of the "low pay" and no "benefits" associated in this line of work. It takes a good attitude about wanting to live and to be totally dependent on somebody else for ALL of your needs. Some people are unable to adjust to this type of living especially if it occurred because of an accident or injury. So they may not want to live "independently" and just take the so-called easy route of wasting away in a nursing home or other institution. Or they may take their life which is their choice. I'm not advising anyone to take their own life until at least exhausting all the alternatives first. You've got to have a strong will to live knowing you're completely dependent on others but it can work, and again, I would make a perfect example of that. But I'm not alone in this as millions of others know the struggles of living with a disability, and most probably do it better than me and they happen to be worse off than myself. I admire their courage. Sure you've got to fight daily just to receive quality care and service but if you're lucky you'll find the supports you need either by networking or making a loud noise yourself. Nothing comes easy in life for the disabled and even the able bodied for that matter. I think the social acceptance of persons with disabilities is much more apparent now than it was 35 years ago. The ADA helped tremendously in breaking the barriers to access to help change life for the disabled. Changes are being made daily for and by the disabled but there is much more needed and that too will come in time. The civil rights movement didn't happen over night nor will all the changes needed to help the disabled become viable productive members of society. If we don't start picking our fights with a little more thought then all the commotion being made from films such as Million Dollar Baby will just become empty echoes, because if you cry "wolf" one too many times, people will simply stop listening. Look at what's trying to be done with Social Security and Medicaid as a prime examples. I'm certainly not recommending that you stop fighting for your rights but I am suggesting that you choose your battles wisely. I hope Eastwood does win awards for his movie because it was put out in good taste in spite of what others may think. It's much better to encourage people like Eastwood or the late Christopher Reeves to bring disabilities to the forefront and I think Baby helped do just that. Hopefully, we'll soon see movies that address other important issues like accessible affordable housing, more jobs for the disabled and better supports in our communities. We'd better keep a close eye on President Bush's desire to dismantle the Social Security System claiming there is a crisis looming overhead which simply isn't true. Medicaid and Medicare are also at risk along with dozens of other issues. We've got to fight together on these important issues rather than complaining about a movie that isn't hurting our cause. If we continue to stay fragmented instead of working together, then soon, we will be left with very few options. What happens in the future is dependent on how we respond today. We can pick apart movies that some may disagree with or we can band together as one mighty voting force to save our entitlement programs and work to make them better. The final choice is up to you and how you desire to live. I can only suggest and share the news or tools you need to make this a better world for all of us. Well, that's my opinion and I'm sure I'll get heavy fallout from it, but at least I exercised my "Freedom of Speech" just as you can and hopefully make something productive happen. Keith Kessler - Founder of DAC (disabled Action committee) 14405 Artery Ln#11 Dale City, VA 22193 703-878-1737 Email: DAC4VA@aol.com Website: http://members.aol.com/DAC4VA/main.htm **Some people grin and bear it. Others smile and change it.** Keith Kessler <dac4va@aol.com> Dale City, VA USA Re: your review of Million Dollar Baby:
- Monday, February 07, 2005 at 20:22:39 (EST)I think it is absolutely astonishing the degree to which our "newsmedia" will commit, to simply not telling the whole truth...about anything! However,the scenario played out in this roughshod piece of propaganda is no surprise at all, since the people in Hollyweird and communists share one of the same traits, that being "death" is the answer to everything. I would like to commend Mr.Drake on a most excellent review. Doc Mcoy Lansing, Mi USA
I think it is absolutely astonishing the degree to which our "newsmedia" will commit, to simply not telling the whole truth...about anything! However,the scenario played out in this roughshod piece of propaganda is no surprise at all, since the people in Hollyweird and communists share one of the same traits, that being "death" is the answer to everything. I would like to commend Mr.Drake on a most excellent review.
- Monday, February 07, 2005 at 20:22:39 (EST)Doc Mcoy Lansing, Mi USA
Wow. You really did miss the point of the movie...especially the fact that it is a movie. Since when are movies expected to be 100% real? I too questioned when Frankie came into her room at the end and yet no one noticed anything...but then I remembered that it is a movie and sometimes watching a movie involves a little suspension of disbelief. I don't think Clint Eastwood or anyone else associated with this movie was trying to promote mercy killings or promote any kind of political agenda in any way. They weren't saying that anyone with major spinal cord injuries shouldn't go on living. What they said was that Maggie, and only Maggie, did not want to continue her already difficult life the way she was after her accident. She had a troubled and difficult life and finally realized her dreams. She did not to live out her life that way. It was her decision to end her life because that is what seemed best for her. Since when do we have to agree with a character's every decision and action? I don't think Frankie agreed with it either. I don't think he would've chosen that had he been in her place but he did want to respect her wishes. It wasn't an easy decision for him but in the end he knew he owed her that after all of the happiness she brought back into his life after his years of pain and guilt. It was a beautiful and heartbreaking film. But that is just my opinion. I don't expect to change your mind by any means but I did want to stand up for the film and how I saw it.
- Monday, February 07, 2005 at 17:56:37 (EST)Rachel TX
You are 100% on the mark regarding your review on "million dollar baby". I find it sickening that hollywood keeps giving awards for perpetuating the better dead than alive attitude for people with disabilities!
- Saturday, January 29, 2005 at 15:55:28 (EST)I write a monthly colunm in my hometown newspaper on disability issues and plan to write a local review, as soon as I unfortunately waste money to go see it! Keep up the good work! Fran Frances A. Pizzola <fpizzola@twcny.rr.com> Cortland, NY Cortland
Boy did you miss the point. But I guess you have to have something to complain about, so here it is, a MOVIE!
- Thursday, January 27, 2005 at 17:49:11 (EST)Margie McCoy, CA US
Re: We Need to Talk!
- Tuesday, January 25, 2005 at 20:00:38 (EST)I agree almost fully with the comments about the need for a disability community in 'We Need To Talk'. I wish to add that those with chemical injury are part of such a community, and a much larger one than most are aware of. Latest estimates are that about 3% of the population have MCS (multiple chemical sensitivity) to the degree that it causes them to be unemployable. Like others with more obvious disabilities, those with MCS have serious troubles finding safe housing (to say nothing of a safe city street or public building). And of course they are often also beset by the psychological difficulties that any serious disability brings in a society that does not understand or support those with such conditions. I make these comments in case the author of 'We Need To Talk', or those reading it, are also unaware that these 'Invisible Cripples' are also members of the disability community. For a description of what life is like with MCS: steven rowat roberts creek, BC Canada
I think every person who works
at an IL program, a P & A, or another disability
organization, and
every person who has a disability or is a family member of someone with a disability should take a copy of the review of the Million Dollar Baby to at least two local video stores that you consider to be a part of your "neighborhood community." Ask the manager to read it and consider not renting the movie. If they refuse, ask them to post the thing on a window or somewhere near the movie. Tell them we face enough discrimination everyday without our neighbors thinking we'd be better off dead.
- Saturday, January 22, 2005 at 19:59:24 (EST)Deidre Reno, NV USA
Thanks Steve Drake for saving me the money, two hour drive to our closest movie theater to see Eastwood's latest.
- Saturday, January 22, 2005 at 15:41:51 (EST)Totally agree with your perspective. Loved your writing style! I live in a community where the American Legion doesn't understand that they need tomake their own banquent facility make their own banquent facility handicapped accessable. They think I'm just an over zealous bitch. oh well. But, I digressed sorry. Great write up. Thanks. Joyce Fletcher Menard <jfmenard@up.net> L'Anse, MI United States
An eye opening article. Now I don't even want to see the movie. Thanks.
- Saturday, January 22, 2005 at 11:56:53 (EST)Sherril <sherrillynnj@netscape.net> Sylvester, GA USA
I was once a fan of Clint Eastwood. Not any more. I'm shockingly
disappointed. I have been opposed to euthanasia since I found out
what it was decades ago. I'm not particularly disabled; I have a
couple of minor problems, but I can still do advanced taekwondo, even
though I am 60. But I support you all the way. I was warning people
about euthanasia back in the 1970's. That was when I first
started fighting abortion. I warned people that if we kill our
children, they will then kill us because we left too few to take care
of us when we become old or disabled. I hate being a prophet like
- Sunday, January 16, 2005 at 19:15:51 (EST)I don't know what possesses people like Clint Eastwood to make a movie like this. He's signing his own death warrant. Germany lived through this experience in the 1930's and 1940's. It is said those who forget the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them. It is only a matter of time before we start killing perfectly healthy people who are the wrong ethnicity. We have already sown the seeds of our own destruction, since we have killed the young workers already. I only hope and pray that there will be a segment of society left where we may receive care and live out our natural lives, those of us who never approved of all this killing in the first place. Don't forget: the largest segment of the dependent population is elderly widows. If they aborted their children, they asked to be disposed of when they become inconvenient. The chickens have come home to roost. Pat Goltz cofounder Feminists for Life Pat Goltz <pgoltz@nexiliscom.com> AZ USA
Although i have not seen the
my boyfriend did, and he said he felt it was the best film he'd
seen this year. when he told
- Wednesday, January 12, 2005 at 13:22:51 (EST)me the plot, i was instantly suspicious of the "mercy killing" ending, especially one with clint eastwood at the helm. your review is respectful, responsible, funny, and persuasive. i sent it on to him, so surely we'll have some interesting debate over the dinner table tonight! i think it should be distributed far and wide, great work! ill surely pass it along to anyone who tells me they just saw the movie. sara chicago, il usa
Reading the reviews of Million Dollar Baby and The Sea Inside, I am more and more convinced that
there is a "death lobby" at work.
Your group rightly points out the effect of this on the lives of people with disabilities and how they are viewed. However I think this is part of a movement of even larger scope advocating the killing of people whose lives are imperfect or incomplete-or inconvenient for others -- whether they are disabled, too old, or not yet fully formed. For instance, in Holland, the euthanasia of babies with "deformities." Or abortion of unborn babies after prenatal diagnosis that they will have Down's Syndrome. I think these movies are part of a campaign to form public opinion on these subjects. It doesn't seem possible that everyone involved in these projects is aware of this, or that there is one central evil mastermind, and yet the way it is working, there might as well be. The witness of the people you write for can be invaluable. I hope you are not alone in your opposition. I also appreciate your reviewer's appreciation of the medical inaccuracies in Million Dollar Baby. As a nurse, I am well aware that decubitus ulcers can be a complication of para and quadra plegia. (In fact I can hardly resist giving a lecture to people living OUTSIDE of medical facilities to do everything they can to prevent these: the best pressure relieving pads, change position even a little bit, be willing to transfer out of your chair for a few minutes every couple of hours even though you want to continue the activity you are doing. The worse two cases of ulcers I have taken care of were in paraplegics who were living independently, with the help of friends, who understandably enjoyed the mobility of their power chairs and didn't want to get out of them. Adequate cleanliness is also important,and I suspect inadequate assistive services for this is a financial and therefore a political issue. ) However these decubs got as bad as they were over years, and even so, had not resulted in amputation. The amputation during rehab depicted in the movie is incredible in a healthy young person without diabetes. The bit about the adrenalin is beneath contempt. In fact, the carelessness about medical and legal details I think shows that the movie makers do not care about the people who are the subjects of their movies, but only about manipulating public opinion. Susan F. Peterson <eulogos@stny.rr.com> Owego, NY USA - Wednesday, January 12, 2005 at 09:38:30 (EST) EDITOR'S NOTE: Read more about the "campaign to form public opinion" on this topic in our Media Circus article, Killing Us Kindly. Add your comments. |
"Million Dollar Baby" can be interpreted as being "about" disability or "about"
assisted suicide. From that perspective, the points made in the article are well-taken.
But alternatively, the movie can be understood as a story about two people-- the
trainer and the boxer-- who, for different reasons, try to do something that will
make their lives better, redeem them in some way, not mainly for fans or money,
but for themselves, for their own reasons. The tragedy is that they get there
for a little while and then it's taken from them. And, as if that weren't enough,
they feel (rightly or wrongly)that they now have to make an awful choice. The vehicle
they use is boxing, which is all they have; the tragedy is the injury. The sport and
the injury are extreme; but both are almost incidental to the story. If the intent
was to make an anti-disabled, pro-assisted suicide film, I don't think the article's
writer need worry. I would bet that many viewers didn't take that message
(or any other, for that matter) away from it.
james <j.blair@att.net>