EDITOR Mary Johnson
Anne Finger
DESIGN/PRODUCTION Cliffwood Organic Studio
- Vol 20, No. 2
- March/April 1999
ISSN: 0749-9596 Published bimonthly by The Advocado Press
PO Box 145 Louisville, KY 40201. Copyright 1999 by The Advocado Press. Reproduction
without permission of any material herein is strictly prohibited. Rate for
individual subscriptions: $17.50/year organizational rate, $17.50 international
rate, $42 To subscribe, send check in U.S. funds to PO Box 145 Louisville,
KY 40201
- Published by
- The Advocado Press
- Selections from our March/April 1999 issue
- appearing April 15-30
- The Cicerone at Epidaurus
- Poem by J. Quinn Brisben
- News Bites Gimps
- Backsliding & Bigotry
- Carol Cleigh finds an old access complaint needs renewing.
- Buying the Backs of Gentlemen
- Zen Garcia finds the Georgia Dome without a view--still
- Reading: Polio--the personal and the political
- Sally Rosenthal reviews Hugh Gallagher's latest book
- D.R. Nation
- The Media Edge:
- Kelly Dillery and the Sandusky Register
- Fighting Fire With Fire
- By Mary Johnson
- Movies: Rear View Window
- Cass Irvin ponders Chris Reeve's new role`
- A Vision of Redemption
- 'Independent Living Centers in the New Millenium
- By Stephen E. Brown
- Universal Design gets a show
- Jim Davis takes in the Cooper-Hewitt exhibit
- Advocating involvement
- editorial by Mary Johnson`
- Plus:
- Mail
- Coming the week of May 1:
- The May/June Ragged Edge!
- Don't want to wait? Subscribe! Here's how
- Selections from our March/April 1999 issue
- appearing April 15-30
- The Cicerone at Epidaurus
- Poem by J. Quinn Brisben
- News Bites Gimps